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he spine is our physical and mental backbone. Its erection and mobility reflect our mental sincerity and flexibility. Emotions that we cannot digest, because they seem to overwhelm us, settle in the body. They harden and tense the body, which shows itself in misalignments of the spine and restrictions of movement. Misalignments and stiffening of the spine have health effects such as back pain and joint problems and even organic diseases. If we get mentally stuck in something, e.g. in an idea of how life should be, we create strong tensions in the jaw, which have an effect on the shoulders and hips. Often we are not even aware of these tensions.
We can work on our health holistically through the spine. Physical exercises such as befree and yoga make the body more supple and strengthen our natural erection. At the same time, the movements give us access to pent-up emotions and rigid behaviour patterns. Mental work, such as mental training, the expansion techniques or readings from the Akashic Chronicle can open up new perspectives for us in difficult life situations. They balance us psychologically and emotionally, which also helps the body to relax. Energetic treatments such as Sat Nam Rasayan and energetic spinal alignment clarify and harmonise the energy flow within us, allowing the body and mind to relax and realign.

swing your back free

Gentle movements allow the spine to align centrally at the base (sacrum) and at the top (sphenoid) and to swing into natural alignment. befree helps with:

  • Back pain and joint problems

  • Scoliosis

  • Head and neck pain, dizziness, migraines

  • Pelvic obliquity, pelvic rotation

  • Tightness in the jaw and hips

  • Immobility, stiffness...


Kundalini Yoga
Yin Yoga

Kundalini Yoga works on the energy flow in the body and on a more subtle level. With countless series of exercises and meditations, specific topics are addressed to open body and mind for the rising of the kundalini energy, the energy of consciousness.

Yin yoga specifically addresses meridians and elements of TCM. With the gentle stretching exercises of Yin Yoga, tensions in the body and stuck emotions can be released.


Mental training

Mental training can help us to change habitual behaviour patterns in order to find a better way of dealing with difficult situations with certain people. Behaviour changes by itself when we can let go of old emotions and open ourselves to new, more coherent experiences.

With the expansion techniques we can work on our emotional roots. In doing so, profound changes in the personality structure and spiritual experiences are possible.

Mental training

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