mental training
Life often brings us into situations where we reach our limits. For example, dealing with some people can be difficult for us or we constantly run into repetitive problems. Perhaps we also have goals that seem unattainable because we don't know which steps are necessary or because fears slow us down.
mental training
In mental training we look at what we fail at in difficult situations and explore what we can do to make the situation easier for us. Even if we have the feeling that our counterpart is causing us problems and is to blame for the difficulties, we have the possibility to change the way we deal with the situation. This helps us to understand the situation and to acknowledge our emotions. From this understanding we can let go of old emotions and we find a more natural way of dealing with people or situations. Then a miracle can happen because our counterpart also behaves differently and suddenly there are no more difficulties at all.
For a really good success, I also lead you into an expanded state of consciousness with one or two expansions during mental training, in order to anchor the desired change in your subconsciousness.
1 hour mental training 80€
The expansion technique was developed by my spiritual teacher Shai Tubali to work with the power of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has a great influence on our emotions, our thoughts, our behaviour and therefore on our lives. With the expansions we can deal with our emotions and beliefs in a purposefully expanded state of consciousness. We recognise their causes and their effects and can finally let them go. In the expanded state we have the possibility to replace obstructive beliefs with beneficial ones. In this way, we can even gain valuable insights and new strength from events that once weakened us.
The expansions are especially suitable for people who want to face their deep-seated fears, but also anger and rage, guilt and shame, attachments and addictions. With the expansions we can clear the subconscious and go through an emotional maturation process. In doing so, we also stabilise the mind and our thinking becomes clearer. The expansions also allow for deep spiritual experiences that bring much understanding to life.
1 hr 80€
2 hrs 150€