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About me

I am Wolfgang, born in Linz, Austria in 1974. Since I couldn't think of anything better to do after school, I completed an apprenticeship as a machine fitter. Until I started my own business, I was always working in the workshop. My first experience of working with people was during my community service. Even though the civilian service was an enriching experience for me, I still lacked the courage for a change of direction. Besides, the better earnings kept me in the workshop, which I could use for expensive mountain bikes and racing bikes. But all that cycling made my constantly tense back even more tense. To compensate, I started doing yoga. In 2016, I finally discovered Kundalini Yoga and spirituality.

Two years later, my path led me to my spiritual teacher Shai Tubali and learned his fascinating stretching techniques.

In 2019, at the Kundalini Yoga Festival in France, I got to know the befree movements, which excited me from the start. With this, I was able to ease the issues in my back that were resistant to Yoga.

In 2019/2020 I did the Kundalini Yoga teacher training, the befree trainer training and also started practicing Sat Nam Rasayan. Later I added the Akashic Chronicle, energetic spinal alignment and Yin Yoga, so now I have lots of tools to support my clients on their path.

Wolfgang Schwarz, Yogalehrer, befree Trainer, Mentaltrainer
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